Stay connected to your entire private family network by taking and sharing photos and videos. You and your loved ones can easily snap, share, and save images and video, creating beautiful family albums that last a lifetime.
Choose an album to view images and videos, simply tap to select an album. Tap Start Slideshow to see a carousel of all images.
Opt to see All Photos shared within your private family network, or tap Add to Favorites to include images and videos in your “favorites” album. Users can update favorites at any time — and all photos and videos are always visible in the All Photos view.
Within your albums, you can easily watch and share videos anytime. Swipe or tap the navigation arrow to scroll through photos and videos, then tap Play Video or the Play button to watch a video. Then, when you’re ready to return to your albums, tap Back to Photo Albums.
In full screen mode, your GrandPad becomes a dynamic digital photo frame. Simply click “Start Slideshow” and your device instantly creates an image carousel that automatically scrolls through images. This is an ideal option while charging your GrandPad — keep the protective cover open and, after a few minutes, photos will begin scrolling.
While viewing a photo or video, tap “Leave a Comment” to speak or type a message, share a favorite story, or add color to a special memory or moment in time. Anyone within your private family network can leave text comments on photos and videos using the free companion app.
Want to view photos or videos from a holiday, celebration, family getaway, or other special day? Tap “Browse by Date” in the upper right corner and choose the month and year you’d like to view. You’ll instantly see photos and videos from that date and can scroll, leave comments, share, and more.
Order a GrandPad today for all of the apps and functions seniors need to stay connected to their family and stay entertained all day long.