Grand Love Stories

A new beginning
"On January 19, 1994 I started a new job as a courier. As I sat in the break room waiting for paperwork and assignment, I noticed that every time I would lookup that there was this handsome fella that would look away. We would talk small talk for the next few weeks and whenever I would come in to work, my truck would already be cleaned of snow and on my side mirror would sit a Hershey kiss, until on Valentines Day while sitting at one of our stops waiting to pick up he approached my truck. And just like a shy little school boy said to me, ""this is for you, I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you"", and handed me a valentine pencil. A week later we had our first date. We were soul mates from the beginning! We are to this day inseparable. We lived together for 4 years when our daughter was born. At that time he finally popped the long awaited question....of course I said yes! Then on June 20, 1998 we were married. In 2000 we had our son. We have been together for 27 years and counting!"